
  • 350gr spaghetti
  • 200g guanciale (or pancetta)
  • 4 eggs
  • 100gr pecorino romano cheese, grated
  • Ground black pepper

Boil the water for the pasta. Cut guanciale in small pieces and cook in skillet for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Level of cooking is per your taste, more you cook it the more crispy it will become. No need to use oil. Set aside. Prepare the pecorino ‘cream’- in a bowl mix whole eggs and cheese and add freshly ground black pepper. Set aside. Add salt to boiling water and cook pasta al dente. Using a spaghetti spoon, drain the pasta (keep the cooking liquid!) and place spaghetti in the skillet with guanciale over high heat. When sizzling, turn off heat to avoid overcooking and scrambling the eggs ! Quickly add cheese and egg mixture to the hot pasta and stir. Consistency should be creamy- if too runny, add pecorino, if too sticky and dense, add 1-2 tbsp cooking water. Serve pasta and top with pepper and pecorino.

Bon appetit!